Boys & Girls Clubs, peninsula
Branding + Print

The Boys and Girls Clubs of the Peninsula provides places where young people are welcome and can belong after school and all day during the summer. Their mission is to provide low-income youth of their communities with the opportunities that enable them to graduate ready to succeed in college or career. Staff and volunteers work through a broad range of programs to guide and inspire youth to develop the attitudes and life skills they need to thrive.

Because their current visual system conveyed a corporate and dated personality, Creative i was asked to refresh their brand and tell a truer story of who BGCP really is.


We started with to the idea of "Take Action" – an underlying message to influence the audience to become donors and/or volunteers, but also reflects the ultimate mission of the organization. Imagery of the members in action and thriving was used throughout the pieces; showcasing the many ways BGCP provides for the youth. Bold color and typography resonate the energy of the youth while a clean, modern layout reflects the forward-thinking and evolving organization.

The project began with two deliverables: a marketing packet and the printed annual report. At the end, a new and fresh brand was created and ultimately extended to the rest of their communications including the website and marketing communications.

Client: Sitecore, Company: Creative i, Role: Designer, Award: San Francisco Peninsula Press Club, 1st place, Public Relations